Dynamic Wallpaper Engine allows you to use live wallpapers on your desktop. “If you’re bored of that useless, still image for your desktop wallpaper, Live Desktop is a Mac app that gives you a selection of animated themes to choose from – Life Hacker.” Live Desktop makes the Mac desktop alive with amazing live themes and wallpapers. Live desktop – Animated Live Wallpapers and Themes. Image: Click the Image pop-up menu, choose Choose, then select an image.To make the Terminal window translucent or transparent, use the sliders to adjust the opacity and blur. Color & Effects: Click the color well, then select a color.How do you change the background on a Mac terminal? To set a GIF as a wallpaper, all you have to do is tap on the GIF button at the bottom, select the appropriate options from the top - Fit to width, Full-Screen, etc - and tap on the little tick icon at the bottom. From there, select AnimatedGIF Screensaver.Here’s how you can install and use AnimatedGIF on your Mac computer: How do you set a GIF as your background Mac? 15 How can I use Plash as a desktop wallpaper?.14 Where do I find the GIF file on my Mac?.